Welcome to BWCA Guide

The Boundary Waters Canoe Area is a special place. Not only does it have some of America’s quietest places to experience the wilderness, but it also holds so many formative memories and traditions for generations of paddlers.

For me, I started going to the Boundary Waters as a 6-year-old. And I recently brought my two sons on their first voyage at the ages of six and eight. It was a marvel to see them engage in the trials and rituals of the wilderness that the BWCA has to offer people of all ages.

Through this blog, I hope to prepare, educate, and inspire paddlers to enjoy the Boundary Waters safely.

About the author

I attribute my love of the outdoors to an early start in the Boundary Waters at the age of six. Traversing these wild lakes in a party of nine paddlers across three canoes formed me to enjoy the challenge and thrill of the wilderness. As I grew up, my passion turned to profession as I began leading groups in the Boundary Waters for churches and youth ministries. With a wilderness first responder (WFR) certification and growing technical comfort in wilderness travel, I moved West to guide backpacking trips throughout Yosemite National Park. But the Boundary Waters kept calling me back.

There’s nothing quite like canoe to experience the wilderness.